I recently watched a fantastic TikTok (https://www.tiktok.com/@jstoobs/video/7237608682878553390) that explained the difference between the Hero's Journey story structure and the Heroine's Journey story structure as crafted by Maureen Murdock, and altered by many other brilliant storytellers. The difference that stood out to be was the spiral shape of the Heroine's journey. Once you leave the ordinary world you never quite go back because you are changed by your travels.

I love this idea that we cannot see the ordinary world the same way after our journey.

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Yeah, I have found Murdock's journey explained many aspects of the heroine's journey hat Campbell's more patriarchal-y oriented hero's journey ignores. And leaving the ordinary world changes you in some way. It reminds me of that quote: “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” -Heraclitus

I find it easy think of it as a continuum: I am in the ordinary world and I try to leave it behind but rather than a decisive step, I might tiptoe in and out until enough momentum builds and I outgrow it.

Thanks, Jason!

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